

Schlössle Hotel 5*

5 stars

The 23-room five-star hotel invites you to explore romantic Old Town and admire the historical charm of the building from the 13th century! This luxurious hotel is located in the very heart of Tallinn – on Pühavaimu Street in the Old Town. During the renovations, the historical architectural design of the hotel was fully retained, turning it into a unique accommodation establishment that offers timeless grandeur as well as all the modern conveniences!
The luxurious interior of the hotel and attentive service guarantee you a memorable time at the Schlössle Hotel.
Schlössle Hotel is part of the Leading Hotels of the World group.



Opening times

Open all year round

Round the clock


Pühavaimu tn 15, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tallinn, Harju maakond