
West Estonia

Harilaiu hiking trails and camping site

Harilaiu Peninsula is the most beautiful and ancient part of Vilsandi National Park. It has been a protected area for fauna, flora, and geological study since 1924.

The Harilaiu hiking trail starts from the car park of the Harilaiu recreation site of the State Forest Management Centre. The longer 10 km marked trail passes over the Harilaiu isthmus and runs to the Kiipsaare lighthouse in the northwest. After that, it follows the dunes on the beach to Kelba point and then back to the beginning of the trail. The 6 km trail splits from the longer trail in the middle of the peninsula and runs towards Haabade Bay where it joins the longer trail again in the south. If you want, you can take a break and put up a tent by Laialepa Bay.

It would be sensible to visit the Vilsandi information point in Loona first.


West Estonia

Opening times

Open all year round

Round the clock


Vilsandi rahvuspark 35, Kõruse-Metsaküla, Saaremaa vald, Saare maakond