
South Estonia

Handicraft shop Magasiait in Alatskivi

It is important to us that the crafters are appreciated. Over the years more than 100 craft lovers have joined the Magasiait handicraft shop. Both handicraft made with love by locals as well as masterpieces from all over Estonia are represented in our product selection.

Magasiait offers the following: lovely carpets, stylish ceramics, various knitwear, a great selection of basketwork, a girl's best friend - jewellery.

The busy work bees of Magasiait wish to make their clients happy by offering a gourmet selection from home kitchen - Magasiaida Talusahver. All craft lovers are welcome!


South Estonia

Opening times

Open all year round

Mon-Sun 10:00 - 17:00


Hirveaia tn 11, Alatskivi alevik, Peipsiääre vald, Tartu maakond